Sleep Apnea is diagnosed by a physician after a sleep test/sleep study has been done.
With the advance in technology a sleep test can now be conducted in the comfort
of your home to determine if you have OSA. In most cases a testing device is
shipped to your home and instructions are given on how to use the device.
The process of testing is simple and is all done online.
To schedule for a home sleep test; please fill out the form below and we will set you up for testing.
If you plan to utilize your health insurance, please email a copy of your card to info@lonestarsleep.com
After your home sleep test is done, a physician will review the results and make a
diagnosis. We will then reach out to you to schedule a consultation to discuss your
results and discuss if Oral Appliance Therapy is an option for you.
For snoring only treatment a sleep test is not required; but highly recommended
especially because snoring could be a sign of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
For any questions about the process please don’t hesitate to call or text us at 210-
775-2173 or email us at admin@lonestarsleep.com
Thank you